September 17th-19th 2025
The course is a collaboration between Department of Neurosurgery, Copenhagen University Hospital and Institute of Cellular and Molecular Medicin University of Copenhagen
The course is aimed at trainee and specialist surgeons with an interest in skull base surgery.
The goal is to develop the understanding of skull base surgical anatomy and to translate this into standard and advanced approaches to the skull base by means of lectures, demonstrations, and anatomical dissections.
Course set-up: Lectures, 3D-demonstations and hands-on sessions. Two participants per specimen. Each station is equipped with Olympus endoscope, sMidas Rex drill, Zeiss microscope, suction and a set of surgical instruments supplied by Kebomed.
We are grateful to Professor of Anatomy Jørgen Tranum-Jensen and Head Anatomical Technician Johnny Grandt. Without their generous help and enthusiasm, we would not be able to offer this course.